Editorial Board:
Maria Yudkevich – Editor in Chief, Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences,CInSt DirectorVictor Rudakov - Managing Editor, Senior Research Fellow at CInStYulia Grinkevich – HSE Director of InternationalisationPhilip G. Altbach – Founding Director, Center for International Higher Education at Boston College (USA)Coordinator: Victor RudakovTranslation:David ConnollyDesign:Vladimir Kremlev
Contact info:Editorial e-mail: herb.hse@gmail.com
Mailing address:20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000
Mass medium registration certificates:
Disciplinary Differences in Publication Output between Ex-COMECON Countries
What Determines the Divide between Soft and Hard Sciences in Soviet and Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
The Plod of Sectorial Higher Education? The Case of Agricultural Universities in Russia
The Dominance of Social Sciences in English-Medium Instruction Universities in Central Asia
Educational and Career Choices of Technically-Minded High School Graduates that Take State Exam in Physics
Some Observations on the Subject of Dissertation Fraud in Russia
Philosophers on Chairs. How Did the Organizational Structure of Russian University Bias post-Soviet Philosophy?
Teaching Humanities at the Joint HSE/NES BA Program in Economics
Who Takes HSE Courses on Coursera? The Differences between Economics, Humanities and Math-Intensive Courses
Engineering Education and Language Training at a Technical University: A History of Friendship