Editorial Board:
Maria Yudkevich – Editor in Chief, Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences,CInSt DirectorVictor Rudakov - Managing Editor, Senior Research Fellow at CInStYulia Grinkevich – HSE Director of InternationalisationPhilip G. Altbach – Founding Director, Center for International Higher Education at Boston College (USA)Coordinator: Victor RudakovTranslation:David ConnollyDesign:Vladimir Kremlev
Contact info:Editorial e-mail: herb.hse@gmail.com
Mailing address:20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000
Mass medium registration certificates:
Engineering Education and Language Training at a Technical University: A History of Friendship
Innovative Approaches in Teaching and Learning Programs in Political Science
Higher Education in Post-Soviet Turkmenistan
Philosophers on Chairs. How Did the Organizational Structure of Russian University Bias post-Soviet Philosophy?
The Role of Funders and Research Organizations in the Patterns of Academic Publishing: Slovenian Approach